Why Should You Start Your Day With Binaural Beats?

Realistically, you can listen to binaural beats whenever you can fit them into your schedule. As long as you’re using them to target the health goals you’re seeking, you should be able to see the benefits in your daily life. However, many have begun to question whether it makes a difference when you listen to binaural beats.

So, why should you start your day with binaural beats? There are plenty of benefits of listening to binaural beats first thing in the morning. These benefits include a calmer start to your day, reduction in lingering stress and anxiety, and a boost in creativity and focus that can make you more proactive at work or school.

However, just because binaural beats yield the best benefits when listened to first thing in the morning doesn’t mean they can’t be beneficial at another time of the day. In this first section, we’ll briefly go over how binaural can also be useful right before bed before expanding on how they can help you start your day.

Binaural Beats Before Bed

If you’re planning to implement binaural beats into your daily life, you might notice that you have more time to listen to them right before going to sleep. In actuality, binaural beats can be effective at any time of day, and there are actually several benefits of using them before falling asleep.

Like many therapeutic methods, there are specific guidelines you need to follow to get the most out of your experience. When it comes to listening to binaural beats later in the day, adherence to the guidelines can be the difference between a sleepless night and improved sleep quality.

Sleep Quality

When you listen to binaural beats right before you go to bed, you need to make sure that you’re listening to the proper frequencies to boost sleep quality and your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

If your overall goal is to improve the quality of your sleep, delta frequencies (1-4 Hz) will be your best friend. When you listen to delta frequencies, you’re encouraging your mind to relax and enter into a state of deep sleep.

When it comes to sleep, it takes a bit more effort on your part to fully change your sleep habits and practices. So, to fully benefit from listening to delta frequencies, you should add delta binaural beats into your nightly routine for approximately 30 minutes each night.

Relaxation & Meditation

After a long and stressful day at work or school, your nervous system will remain in a state of alertness well after you’ve officially clocked out. If you attempt to go to bed when your mind is still extremely active, you’ll experience difficulty falling or staying asleep.

That’s where delta (1-4 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) frequencies can prove beneficial. When you listen to binaural beats within these ranges, you’re encouraging your brain to activate delta and theta waves, both of which are responsible for promoting a sense of relaxation, reducing levels of anxiety, and encouraging deeper sleep.

By relaxing immediately before going to bed, you might notice that you’re more tired, calm, and are less focused on the stressors in your life.

In the long-term, this can help you develop a nightly routine that includes relaxation and promotes a higher quality of sleep.

Starting Your Day with Binaural Beats

By starting your day with binaural beats, you’re more likely to see positive results that last the entire day. That means you can help improve your performance and mood throughout your daily activities, including school and work.

The results you’ll see after listening first thing in the morning will be drastically different than listening at night, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be beneficial. Let’s take a look at how influential binaural beats can be first thing in the morning.

Ease Into Your Day

If you’re used to waking up to an alarm clock, immediately getting ready for work, and then leaving the house, you know how difficult it can be to transition from being asleep to being awake. You might even notice that you feel “half-asleep” even well into your workday.

So, how can binaural beats help?

When you listen to binaural beats, you can select a frequency associated with relaxation and positivity. Rather than jumping right into your day without any type of transition, you can ease yourself into your day and prepare your body and mind for work.

To do this, alpha frequencies (8-13 Hz) would be the best option. That’s because they’re usually associated with improved positivity, a boost in your mood, and an overall state of relaxation. This can help smooth the transition between waking up and going to work and improve the quality of work you’re producing as well.

Developing Focus & Motivation

When you wake up first thing in the morning, it’s only natural to feel groggy and be a little disinterested in actually going to work. Sometimes it might even take a bit more effort to roll yourself out of bed and officially get your day started.

This is where beta frequencies (14-30 Hz) can greatly improve the quality of your life. When you listen to beta frequencies, your brain becomes much more active. You’ll notice that you’re much more alert, have a greater level of concentration, and feel more functional.

At work, you’ll be much more focused and motivated and able to perform tasks quicker and more accurately than ever.

Increasing Your Productivity

Binaural beats won’t only help you get your day started. They’ll also impact your productivity throughout the day.

To reach this point, you’ll need to listen to alpha (8-13 Hz) or beta (14-30 frequencies).

Both of these frequency ranges are associated with positive benefits and improvement in mental performance. That’s while you notice an improvement in your mood, greater attention and focus, and better problem-solving skills.

By adding these frequencies into your daily routine, you can continue to improve your performance at work, which could ultimately lead to bonuses or promotions in the long-term.

Developing a Habit

It’s clear that listening to binaural beats first thing in the morning can improve your ability to wake up and be more functional at work. But, you shouldn’t just be listening to whatever tracks you feel like and hope they end up working.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Begin developing a routine, meaning a specific track or set of tracks that you listen to immediately after waking up.
  • Leave yourself enough time each morning to allow you to listen to your binaural beats without causing yourself to be late.
  • Listen for at least 15 minutes at a time, but ideally 30 minutes or more.
  • Keep track of the improvements you’re seeing and alter your routine based on what seems to work best for you.
  • If you notice that something is working, you shouldn’t feel the need to change it.

When you begin to add binaural beats into your morning routine, you’ll notice even greater effects as time passes.


Binaural beats are useful at any time of day, but there’s much more evidence that suggests they can be more beneficial when listened to in the morning.

Here are some things you might notice after adding binaural beats into your daily morning routine:

  • A smoother transition from being asleep to being awake and ready to start your day
  • Increased focus and motivation to make you more productive throughout the day
  • Greater problem-solving and improvement of thinking processes to boost productivity at work


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