When it comes to developing a new habit, there’s always a concern about the dangers associated with it. Along with the many positive effects you might experience, there are also negatives that may occur, though usually rarely. Because binaural beats affect the functioning of the brain, some people are concerned that they may cause extreme mental side effects like hallucinations and other psychedelic effects.
So, will listening to binaural beats make you hallucinate? Hallucinations are not a common effect of listening to binaural beats. However, it’s possible to trigger a release of DMT and other chemicals in the body. The best way to avoid these side effects is by listening to binaural beats cautiously.
Before you decide to listen to binaural beats, you need to gain a general understanding of the negative effects that may result. This can help you to make an educated decision on whether binaural beats are the right option for you.
Psychedelic Effects
When you listen to binaural beats within the theta, delta, and gamma frequencies, there’s a potential that you might trigger the release of chemicals like DMT. Though DMT is produced in small amounts within the body, it’s also a psychedelic drug commonly abused for the “trip” it causes.
Whether or not you experience psychedelic effects after listening to binaural beats depends on who you are and how the binaural beats affect you. Additionally, there are effects that binaural beats can cause that are similar to psychedelic effects, but also entirely different and much safer.
Different People, Different Experiences
By listening to binaural beats in the theta, delta, and gamma frequencies, you might actually be encouraging your body to release chemicals that could cause hallucinogenic effects. What you actually experience, however, depends on who you are.
Think about it this way.
Let’s say you and two other people are in a silent and dim room. You’re all listening to binaural beats at the same frequency with the same headphones for the same amount of time. When the session is over, you all discuss what you experienced.
- The person next to you mentions that he felt a sense of calmness during the session.
- The next person over notes that they couldn’t focus and that the sound was annoying.
- You, on the other hand, felt like you were floating and experienced vivid visualizations throughout the entire session.
Why does this happen?
Well, we all experience things differently. This can all come down to personality, preferences, attitude, or even the physical functioning of our minds.
This is why it’s difficult to positively say that binaural beats cause certain health benefits, as everybody might perceive binaural beats differently. What works for you won’t necessarily work for the person next to you.
With that said, if you’re not experiencing what you’re looking for, you have the full ability to change the track, frequency, and even the amount of time you listen to them.
Astral Projection & Out-of-Body Experiences
Though not technically psychedelic effects, both astral projection and out-of-body experiences can be very bizarre and unsettling if you’re not expecting to have these experiences.
Here are brief overviews of what these two concepts are and what you might experience when you have them.
- Out-of-Body Experiences: These experiences are rather bizarre the first time you have them. Without your control, you get a sense that you’re outside of your body while still observing the physical world around you. You have absolutely no control during an out-of-body experience and you essentially have to wait until it’s over.
- Astral Projection: If you’re a fan of lucid dreaming or you know a little bit about what it is, astral projection is very similar. Simply put, astral projection is an intentional out-of-body experience that you have control over. To achieve this state, you must meditate intentionally, visualize thoroughly, and remain motivated throughout the entire experience.
When you’re listening to binaural beats and anticipating a relaxed feeling and reduced stress, you might be a little caught off guard when you realize you’re having an out-of-body experience.
While both of these events sound pretty cool to have, it’s totally reasonable to be afraid of experiencing them. If you’re the type of person that enjoys having control over your thoughts and body, you might be scared when you find yourself having an out-of-body experience where you’re essentially trapped until it ends.
The Dangers of Binaural Beats
Just like any therapeutic method, supplementation, or even food, there are dangers that come along with consistent use. For binaural beats, the effects you might experience may be short or long-term, but if you’re using them correctly, you shouldn’t experience any dangers at all.
Binaural beats can cause negative effects on your physical body, mental and emotional states, and even your spirituality. Take a look at the possible consequences of using binaural beats so you know what to look for when you add binaural beats to your daily routine.
Physical Effects
When it comes to the physical effects that binaural beats can cause, the majority are related to the ears. Listening to high-frequency sounds for an extended period of time puts your ability to hear at risk and, long-term, you might experience permanent hearing loss or ringing in your ears.
Here are a few tips you can follow to prevent physical damage to your ears.
- Listen to binaural beats at a reasonable volume.
- Limit the amount of time you spend listening to higher frequencies, especially gamma frequencies (30+ Hz).
- If you notice ringing in your ears or mild hearing loss, stop listening to binaural beats immediately.
There is also a possibility that listening to binaural beats can cause seizures in those with seizure disorders. If you’ve had seizures in the past or if you have a sensitivity to certain sounds, binaural beats might not be the best option for you.
If at any point you begin to experience physical effects after listening to binaural beats, we recommend that you reevaluate your decision to implement binaural beats into your life.
Mental & Emotional Effects
Though binaural beats can reduce stress, limit anxiety, and improve your motivation, they can also be harmful to those with currently diagnosed mental health conditions. In particular, those on medication are at the greatest risk.
When you have a mental health disorder like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, or any other condition, your brainwaves and the chemicals within your brain are directly impacted. By listening to binaural beats, you could be altering your current mental state and actually worsen the symptoms of your mental health condition.
If you’re on medication to stabilize your mood and mental status, listening to binaural beats might alter the positive effects that your medication has been causing. With that said, if your medication is working and helping to improve your condition, you should entirely avoid binaural beats.
Binaural beats are generally considered to be a safe therapeutic method designed to improve the functioning within your brain. Like any health and wellness method, there are some concerns with using binaural beats due to the possible effects that they may have on the brain and the body. Here are a few things to look out for when you add binaural beats to your daily routine.
- Psychedelic effects like hallucinations or out-of-body experiences
- Damage to your hearing or ringing in your ears
- Development of seizures or seizure disorders
- Worsening of mental health symptoms